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The Science of Popcorn!!!

Popcorn... Do we only eat it while watching a movie or as a healthy snack?

Not always...

Today, our students at Oliver Middle nailed it!!!

Their popcorn - old fashioned as they called it -- provided scientific lessons for everyone.

Why popcorn? Did you know that popcorn has the equivalent of one drop of water inside the endosperm.

What does this mean? This drop of water turns into steam. This pressurized, superheated steam transforms the soft starch in the endosperm into a gelatinous material. (Source: Carolina Biological Supply)

How? All ingredients and instructions were provided.

The inquiry process was prioritized. The students were asked:

- How can you make popcorn at home/classroom?

The answer was: A microwave. In this case, not to be used.

They were also asked? What if I give you kernels, olive oil, salt, sugar, butter?

Their answer? What? How are we going to cook that?

This criteria was presented:

1. Safety - gloves and safety googles were provided

2. Popcorn had to be done in less than 10 min. - whole process

3. Avoid burning the popcorn

4. Verify the order to use the ingredients in order to create the perfect popcorn

The constraints were:

1. No more than 4 tablespoons of popcorn

2. Consider the size of the pot

3. No more than 3 tablespoons of sugar

4. No more than 2 teaspoons of salt

5. Butter to taste


- Burnt popcorn at the bottom

- Salty popcorn

- Sticky popcorn

- Too much butter

- Oil was not heated enough - time criteria was not fulfilled

Tomorrow, we shall address the criteria that was not fulfilled.

Everyone will have the opportunity to improve their popcorn!!!


NOTE: The students were engaged and fully collaborated throughout the process. This opportunity to work as a team with an incentive and being the creators is the way to learn. I, the teacher, create and promote that opportunity.

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