Forensic Science with Stratford STEM Magnet at Oliver Middle
Leadership... Commitment... Discovery... Planning for the future! Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grade witnessed older Cadet peers from Stratford STEM Magnet who are beyond focused and know what they want in life. This has been a process. This did not happen from one day to the next. And there they are, strong, proud, assertive and already leaders.
Simon Palacios - CTE Criminal Justice/Cadet Core Instructor is the glue to this spectacular project.
Some of the IMPORTANT messages he shared are:
- What should your first thought be to guarantee you will have a successful career in criminal justice?
Answer: Avoid social media and have a clear background
- How criminal justice has a variety of areas that guarantee jobs and high salaries?
Answer: Diverse cultural background and speaking more than one language. Females are needed (their thought process is more detailed, compared to men's decision making).
- At this early age - based on the experience from the leaders present - learn to make wise decisions NOW, don't wait till high school.
-What ever you do, do not allow yourself to be influenced by others.

Our students will continue to be exposed to life and its many possibilities. STEAM will continue to create new days of learning at Oliver Middle.