Engineering and Construction for all...
The next project is to design and build a pendulum - the GOAL is to create a painting.
Yes, ART is integrated in our classroom.
But, we also made sure the concepts of engineering and math were a part of this process.
You must know, this has been very, very challenging for many students.
The concept of engineering and its implications = EDP Process = using criteria and constraints is something new for many of them.
The support of Dr. Brandon Carney = Scientist in the Classroom (SCP) - Center for Science Outreach, Vanderbilt University = was vital last Friday because we were able to make a real life connection by using a protractor. Thus, guaranteeing MATH is a part of our STEAM class.

I did not have a protractor in my classroom. A fellow Math Teacher (5th Grade) gave me the ones needed. Super thanks!!!
Video: Dr Carney using Math

Through collaboration, support and dedication the students were able to fully understand how making a perfect center with a simple tool was a key part of the process. This is one great example of a new day for learning at OMS.
As a teacher, I could not be more relieved and reaffirmed of my mission.
My scholars will learn.
My scholars will be challenged.
My scholars will interact with various professionals that are leaving a meaningful mark in their brain map... One that will have powerful repercussions in the future.
Thank you everyone... we continue!