i3 STEM at William H. Oliver Middle School - Prepping our students for MTSU's STEM Expo 2019
Dr. Carney, our SCP from Vanderbilt's CSO, now mentors our after school STEM'gineers.
Tuesday, Sept 4 - was an incredibly engaging afternoon for everyone.
By using the simplest of methods, looking at Variables and Measurements, Dr. Carney was able to extract valuable information from the students to keep their brains in motion.
Always thinking about what else is out there and their role in future projects.

Our students will participate in MTSU's STEM Expo 2019 and they have already begun to understand everything must be organized. They must understand that EDP is the spinal cord of everything that we do in the STEM world.
I was thrilled to see the students' faces by realizing this open conversation was engaging and fun, with a scientist who is being exposed to the world of teaching in a middle school setting.
This is a win win situation for all. Community partnerships allow me to adapt and co-teach with those individuals who have a lot to share to our students.
I am honored to participate - for the 2nd year - in the Scientist in the Classroom Program - Vanderbilt University. The benefits will outlast everyone's hard work and adaptation.