Middle School Interaction with a Human Robot!
New technology in middle school? Do not doubt it for a second - our STEM classroom at Oliver Middle thanks to Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Ufnar from Vanderbilt University - has access to a Double Robot from Double Robotics.
The students will learn how interaction with new technology will facilitate and not limit contact with the teacher - when the teacher cannot be present!
These are the key players in this process:

* Ceteka Gooch, LT Specialist at MNPS
* Sarrat Houston - District Lead Coach – STEAM Division of Curriculum and Instruction Metro Nashville Public Schools
* Jennifer A. Ufnar, Ph.D. Executive Director, Center for Science Outreach
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Teaching and Learning, Peabody College
Vanderbilt University
* Virginia Shepherd, Ph.D. - Emerita Professor of EducationVanderbilt University
* Video: Watch how the students interact with Double!

One more time, I am reminded how important it is to have the flexibility, support, interaction and collaboration of employees who go beyond the call of duty.
Ceteka Gooch - she completed the steps and fulfilled what we were all expecting. She got DOUBLE to come to life and now we begin a new period of discovery and fun in our classroom.
Dr. Anderson, our Executive Principal, was the first person to interact with Double. The robot greeted her and more. A new day of learning for all!
The students' reaction it is hard to explain. Enjoy the video above - they are excited - for the first time they witness a robot, in their classroom -- they never imagined this would happen.
Video - Double in Action
Every classroom was welcomed by Double just like I do every day -- Double was by the door, they could see my face, hear my voice. Being the first day, as expected, excitement ruled, countless questions were asked. I was there but I was not there! The opportunities for learning are limitless. I may be in a meeting, a sub may be called in and Double and the Sub can continue the learning process. This is huge!!
Technical assistance from Houston Sarrat is vital to fulfill this process.
Every step to be taken shall be one of learning. This is a huge responsibility. This is a valuable piece of equipment. The students will learn about a level of science they only see in video games or movies.
The students will lead this upcoming stage in the classroom. Schoology will also be a part of this new learning opportunity.
This is an experience that confirms how relevant it is to have a STEM curriculum in every school. Learning and real life connections take place;. elevating the level of technology available and providing hands on experiences that will open doors for many.