My dream is... / Mi sueño es...
KIPP Nashville Academy and its 11th and 12th graders have welcomed me with open arms. I am now teaching Spanish to focused and dedicated...

Business and Entrepreneurship Education
Jack Thomas - Membership Banking Regional manager, liaison to MNPS and Loretta Humphrey-Cruz Assistant Vice President Community and...

Stones River National Battlefield - Murfreesboro
Oliver Middle is a participant in this empowering project. A lot of STEM/STEAM. Another experience to utilize the latest technology and...

Recognizing Team Work and Commitment!
To make the decision to bring 40 middle schoolers to a fun and learning facility 2hrs away from school, in the eyes of many, it is...

The Power of "Yes, You Can!"
Denise Rocha, NAZA STEAM Initiative Site Coordinator at Wright Middle School joined the students and supported the learning steps. Last...

Proud to be an Engaged Educator...
Welcoming in our classroom a Tennessee Teacher of the Year reaffirms my belief in the power of engagement. Ms. Cathy Pressnell was...

Bilingual and limited English speaking students are having the opportunity to experience new technologies in vertical farms - no soil,...

Partnership: Studio NPL
Zach Duensing from Studio NPL arrived in full strength to engage the students and create a relationship with everything technology offers...

I'm honored to have been chosen to represent our students, teachers and McMurray Middle Prep of Nashville during the official launch of...